Saturday, September 22, 2012

English Club # 2

Psalm 105:2 "Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts."

We had our second English club this week, and thanks to God it was a success!  This time we were praying that God would bring more students to club, and that the students would not reject our conversation topic: Noah's Ark and the Flood.

Oles and I thought for a long time about what the topics should be, and finally, after much prayer and consideration, we decided on famous biblical events.  For our next two English clubs this month, we will probably focus on the Exodus and one other topic from the Bible, or potentially world view.

The way we conducted this past club was based on discussion groups.  We started by telling the condensed story of Noah and the flood from the Bible to give them background information for what happened.  Then we split the students into two groups.  Each group was given historical and archaeological information about Noah's Ark and the flood.

One group's goal was to use the information (Biblical, Historical and Archaeological) to prove their point that the Ark was real, and that the flood did happen, just as it says in the Bible.

The other group's goal was to prove the exact opposite: that the Ark didn't exist and the flood didn't occur.

What was interesting about the groups, is when we split them up, there was one Christian in the "prove it didn't exist" group and 2 non-Christians in the "prove it did exist" group.  We gave them 30 minutes to read 1 page of information and then form a 2 minutes speech about their viewpoint.

After the groups did their speeches, they decided who had a better argument, and the group who was trying to prove the Ark and flood existed won the discussion.

We ended club around 9 pm and stayed to talk with our students afterwards.  Many of them have very different ideas about the world, and from what we can tell, most of them are non-religious.

We're excited to see what god will do in the future with this club.  Since I'm staying in Ukraine longer than 3 months, I'll go to get a Ukraine visa in about 3 weeks, and then return, with the hope to continue this English club and ministry here in Ukraine.

Please pray for this ministry (and also that I'll be able to easily get a visa to stay here!)

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